Interested in creating something with us?

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They range! Our standard single issue comic is 12-15 pages, including covers, credits & a few story focused “ads” that build the world you are immersing your audience in! We can also do longer form comics like a graphic novel (40-100 pages), or even a whole mini series (100+ Pages)!
Easy! We take each comic panel and animate them to whatever song or audio composition of your choosing! See the Body Good Motion Comic we did for Shaggy and Nicky Jam for examples.
Our timetable is 8 weeks once the story treatment is approved, for a standard 12 page comic & motion comic. All other products have a unique timeline, which we will go over together.
No problem at all! Our team of illustrators can create any style you choose. As we get deeper into the process, we will share our full art portfolio, so that you can choose the exact style and illustrator from our team that makes sense for your needs.
That’s why you hired us! When our team of writers construct your actual script, we ensure every story has at minimum one thread within it to allow for continuation if you choose!
Anything you could imagine! Some ideas are: Tour Flyers, Album Covers, Animated Cover Music Video, Full Page Print Ad, Trading Cards, Board Games, the ideas are really endless!